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GAGDC Launches "SHOP SOUTH" To Support Local Businesses

@GADC_Chicago Launches "SHOP SOUTH" To Support Local Businesses


Red Carpet Premiere Of The Pillars Of Auburn Gresham

The community came out to see and support Landmarks Illinois and Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) Chicago, premiere of, "The Pillars Of Auburn Gresham." It was standing room only for the historic viewing.

Walmart Breaks More Ground In Southside Communmities

"It’s been a long time coming," residents expressed at the new Walmart groundbreaking. Even still, the crowd of neighbors looking on were excited to see the shovels go in the dirt. It was the first real sign of Walmart's newest store finally coming!

Yes It's July and A Christmas In Englewood Celebration
The sounds of good gospel music filled the Englewood air at Ogden Park, for the 18th Annual Southside Neighborhood Gospel Festival, on Saturday, July 19. 2014. The gospel fest is organized by Christmas in Englewood NFP. Food, fun and good-spirited music.  17th Ward Alderman Latasha Thomas and the organizing committee thanked the many residents and performers that came out to the park to enjoy the beautiful weather and music, and certainly looking forward to next year's festival.
SSA #32 July 17, 2014, Business Workshop Recap

On July 17, 2014, the Greater Auburn- Gresham Development Corporation’s Special Service Area (SSA) #32 held a Business Workshop, for the Auburn-Gresham business community, at Urban Partnership Bank, in the REDLine CTC and Business Center. The workshop topics included "How to Market your business on the Internet" and "How to Obtain Grants for Building Improvements (Improve Your Facade)!" For information on future workshops, contact CHERYL JOHNSON or MATT MADSEN at (773) 723-3557 or visit 7903 S. Racine, Chicago, 60620.

The Southside Neighborhood Gospel Fest

The Southside Neighborhood Gospel Fest, on July 19, 2014, from 11am to 7pm, at Ogden Park located 6500 South Racine. Live music, local gospel greats, food trucks, fun & fellowship and much more. Open to the public!!!

African-American Small Business Expo is Saturday at the South Shore Cultural Center

The City of Chicago SmallBusiness Center presents African-AmericanSmallBusiness Expo with keynote speaker, Desiree Rogers, CEO of Johnson Publishing and former White House Social Secretary for President Barack Obama. The free expo will take place on Saturday, July 19, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 S. South Shore Drive, Chicago.

Premiere of "The PIllars of Auburn Gresham" Movie

Please join Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago and Landmarks Illinois for a premeier showing the film "The Pillars of Auburn Gresham." The event will be held on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, at 700 W. 79th, in the Grand Ballroom of the Salaam Restaurant, 2nd Floor. This event is free and open to the community. We ask that you PLEASE RSVP, by July 17th, NHS Chicago, 773-488-2004.

GADC Applies For ISBE 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant for FY2015

Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) plans to respond to a "Request for Proposals" from Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

21st Century Letter of Intent to Apply

21st Century Letter of intent to apply: On behalf of the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation please except this correspondence as official letter of intent to apply for FY 2015 21st Century Community Learning Centers’ grant funds. Requested information is provided below.

Computer Classes for Seniors Throughout July

Are you a senior and want to learn to use your computer? Take the Senior Basics class on July 14th or 21st and Senior Email & Social Media Basics on July 17th or 28th, at the RedLine Computer Technology Center, 7801 S. State Street, Urban Partnership Bank Building 2nd Floor. Call 773.483.3696 to hold your spot!


Fireside Chat Series #6: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Spouse, Teen, Partner, Employee)

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE affects teens, families, and businesses every single day. 6.20.2014 - Come learn how to identify the signs and seek help for yourself or someone else.

MAPSCorps Field Coordinators Preparing To Take It To The Streets!

Auburn Gresham MAPSCorps 2014 Field Coordinator Team is in Place. Thanks University of Chicago Southside Health and Vitalties Studies and Afterschool Matters (ASM) for this continued partnership with the @MAPSCorps summer intern program.

Westcott Familes, Auburn GreshaM GOLD Mini Camp Registration is Open!

Auburn Gresham GOLD ENRICHMENT PROGRAM K-3RD—SUMMER 2014 REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Programs are being offered from July 1st through July 24th. All enrichment programs will take place at the Westcott Elementary School located at 409 West 80th Street. Students entering Kindergarten through 3rd grades AND currently attend Westcott Elementary are eligible to participate.

The registration fee for the Westcott Elementary student scholar is $40/per scholar and lunch is provided for every student. 

"I am for Peace" Student-Led March to Spread Peace

On Thursday, June 5, at 9:30 a.m. "I Am for Peace" founder Razia Hutchins, a junior at Perspectives Charter Schools, and students from all three Perspective campuses will march for peace on the South Side.

As the number of killings increase on a daily basis, Perspectives Charter School students are taking a stand against violence and spreading a message of peace by staging a march that will include supporters from the community and businesses who want to disrupt the violence and save lives.


Graduating Seniors Testify to Elev8’s Strengths

Middle-school enrichment program opened eyes of students, changing their trajectory through high school and beyond.Middle-school enrichment program opened eyes of students, changing their trajectory through high school and beyond.

Auburn Gresham Mikva Students CAN'T KEEP CALM!

Susuana Vasquez, Executive Director, LISC Chicago and her team, stated it best for the local Auburn Gresham, Mikva Challenge, Elev8 graduating seniors, "Great t-shirts." They earned them. Check them out and Congratulations to all our Elev8 and PSCEDU graduating seniors!

Memorial Day Isn't Just A Break From Work

Celebrate the holiday by remembering our fallen soldiers; remembering residents who gave their lives for our peace and by acting to make America better. Celebrate by making our community better. 80% of us are exhibiting Peace in our Auburn Gresham Streets. As you celebrate the fallen, focus on this fact, celebrate the fallen and Peace, Monday, May 26, 2014, and every day. 

Small Business Forum A Success!

The Small Business Forum took place on May 13, 2014 at the RedLINE CTC (Community Training Center), Auburn Gresham's Neighborhood Business Development Center. The event was moderated by Carlos Nelson, GADC's Executive Director and co-sponsored with the 6th District Police as part of the 6th District Business Sub-Committee.

Apply Nnow! Teen Summer Jobs @GADC_Chicago Deadline Approaching

GADC is a MAPSCorps Intern Worksite, for the 5th year! To apply for one of our dynamic Mapper positions, go to After School Matters Website, search for MAPSCorps @ Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation and apply!  Deadline is soon approaching!  For more information and to download flyer see full story or contact Norma Sanders at 773.483.3696.

Spring Health Fair "On The Block" Auburn Gresham

Join Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC), Auburn Gresham Gold School™ and Elev8 programs as they present the Spring Health Fair on the Block. This bi-annual fair will have lots of health-related vendors and professionals offering free material and key information about your health. Come out and take advantage of numerous health screenings too!

The Community Breaks Bread With Trust

The Chicago Community Trust is kicking off "On the Table" a Chicago region event held on May 12th, to unite us as a community and discuss our future. Are you hosting and "On The Table" discussion in Auburn Gresham and need concerned and trusted residents, businesses or youth to attend? Let us know the date, time, and number of folks you can handle at your table and we will help you spread the word!

Thanks For Visiting The Auburn Gresham Community "For The Health Of It"

Thank you for visiting the Auburn Gresham neighborhood, as part of the April 30 - May 3, 2014 Community-Partners For Health Conference! We were really honored you selected us to be part of this iconic national health leadership event. We were extremely glad to have visitors from all over the United States and Canda. It is our hope you witnessed the dedication, support and commitment to education, health equality and social justice in our schools and in our community-campus partnerships. Special thanks to our local partners CVS Caremark, Luster Learning (Calm Classroom), Access Community Health Network (current school based health provider), Illinois State University (Teacher+Plus and STEPUP), University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System  (school based health provider coming soon) and of course our two Auburn Gresham Gold Schools, Westcott Elementary and Perspectives Middle Academy Principals and the dynamic student ambassadors (scholars) who led the site tour!

Illinois Passes the Half Million Mark for Health Coverage Under the ACA

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today released numbers for the six-month open enrollment period that show that more than half a million people in Illinois have obtained health coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). 

ComEd Hosts 2nd Annual Multicultural Roundtable Luncheon

ComEd hosted its 2nd Annual Multicultural Media Roundtable Luncheon on April 7, and the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation online presence was at the table!

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