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Community Highlights

Bringing people together is a conscious strategy of the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corp., whether it is a family fest in the summer or a winter Blues Breakfast for senior citizens. Read about some of the past events in our neighborhood, and watch the calendar for new ones.

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SHOP SOUTH, Shop Local, Shop Small Saturday!
SHOP SOUTH, Shop Local, Shop Small Saturday!
Perspectives Mentor Program Another Intergenerational Education Success
For several years, the Greater Auburn-Auburn Gresham Development Corporation, participates in the Pespectives Charter School (PCS) five-week internship program. This fall 2015, we were sent to young…
World War II Veterans Still Our Local Heroes
Jack Lyle, a local veteran, fought in WWII in Italy. In spite of all his life experiences, that came during and as a result of war, this is important to him. Even as important to him, is sailing. He…
GADC's Del-Marie Nelson Traveled to DC With Chicago Youth to Perform Her Poetry!
Congratulations to Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation (GAGDC), Public Allies Chicago (PAC) member , Del Marie Nelson who travelled to Washington D.C., with a group of Chicago youth to…
Westcott Elementary School Family Game Night, Two-Generations Going for the GOLD!
Annual Family Game Night at Westcott Elementary School, October 15, 2015 was another big success, for Auburn Gresham GOLD two-generation education initiative!
Your Voice Matters - Join A TASK FORCE TEAM At Our COMMUNITY Quality-of-Life Planning Meeting 10/29!
Your Voice Matters! Come Join a COMMUNITY TASK FORCE TEAM, to develop an updated plan to revitalize OUR neighborhood. Your Voice Matters Quality-of-Life Planning Rollout meeting on Thursday, October…
Something to Read Into, Auburn Gresham Unveils It's First Little Free Library!
The first of many Little Free Libraries, was unveiled at Westcott Elementary School, in the Chicago southside inner city community of Auburn Gresham. The project was brought to Greater Auburn-Gresham…
MacArthur Spins Off New Digital-Learning Nonprofit
The MacArthur foundation has spun off its work in digital media and education into a separate entity called Collective Shift , and provided the new nonprofit with $25 million in start-up cash.
Revolution Of Young Artists As Leaders (R.O.Y.A.L.)
When the whole world is silent, even one voice become POWERFUL . I raise up my VOICE , not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be HEARD .
Stanley Championship Cup Visits Leo High School
Stanley Championship Cup Visits Leo High School
Partners Posts: Depressed Adults Needed for a Research Study
Dr. Heide Klumpp (PhD) at the University of Illinois at Chicago is conducting a research study on depression. This study is testing to see what behavior and brain function can tell us about treatment…
Welcome Back Chicago Public School Students!
Welcome Back Auburn Gresham Gold Schools and all Chicago Public School Students! The first day of school can be scary. Children wonder about how everything will go—“Will my friends still…
Executive Takes the Challenge at RenFest 2014
RenFest 2014, Carlos Nelson, Executive Director and MC of the 2014, 79th Street Renaissance Festival, meets his commitment and takes the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Mapping program pushes students to consider neighborhood's potential
University of Chicago field coordinator Priscilla Agbeo and her team of four high school student interns from the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation, MAPSCorps program are finding the…
Follow Us On Twitter #79thStreetRenFest
Tweet your fesitval pictures and comments during the festival using #79thStreetRenFest and on our official TWITTER @gadc_chicago or @gagdc (unoffocial with recognized followers).
A Salad Bar Story Really Stirs Staff Emotions
My colleague shared the following story and I must forward...
After 50 Years, Seven Families Still Live On Chicago's 'Block That Works'
Old-school values -- and lots of phone calls -- helps tight-knit neighbors keep close tabs on their block.
Spread The Good News, Auburn Gresham Summer Camp 2015 Gets GOLD Star
The Auburn Gresham GOLD Summer Camp provided four weeks of fun and learning enrichment to students attending one of our five GOLD elementary schools and within our service border! Thanks for checking…
Auburn Gresham GOLD Camp Draws Big Cheers At Toyota Park!
Auburn Gresham GOLD summer camp got big cheers for taking the Chicago Fire field, at their recent visit to Toyota Park, July 15h. This site vist was part of the culture and sport enrichment…
National Women's Veterans United of Illinois (NWVU) Ribbon Cutting On July 25
Women veterans in Illinois now have their own community center. City, state and community leaders joined members of “National Women Veterans United” to cut the ribbon for the Illinois…
STEP-UP ISU's Urban Education Interns Present Final Projects
Illinois State University education #STEP-UP interns emersed themselves in Chicagoland once again this summer. Living in under-served communities for 4-weeks summer, while teaching at Chicago Public…
Are You An Auburn Gresham Parent? We Need Your Input!
Are you a parent in Auburn Gresham? Auburn Gresham has the 5th highest rate of babies dying before their 1st birthday in the city. A group called "Courage to Love " is trying to figure out why. We're…
Kidney Action Day
Kidney Action Day - Most people don't spend much time thinking about their kidneys. On August 26 , pay attention to your kidneys for a change and have some family fun by coming to Daley Plaza for…
Summer 2015 Enrichment Parenting Classes
Free parenting classes --Summer is the perfect time to meet other parents and learn skills that will help you become a better and more confident parent. These free classes are a good place to start.
Local Business Trains "Urban Green Team" For OSHA Construction Safety Certification
Improving the health and safety of Urban Green Team employees is a key goal and part of the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation’s (GADC) strategy to provide employee’s…

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To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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