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Coming to 79th Halsted, A Passive Park, Really?

Coming to 79th Halsted,  A Passive Park? The big question is: What exactly is a “passive park?”

CommunityRx Comes to A HealthE'nd

The end of the three year CommunityRX collaboration, is a prescription for a new beginning. Read, see and hear our project story.

Join NHS of Chicago for NeighborWorks Day 2015!
NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES OF CHICAGO (NHS), INC. 28TH ANNUAL NEIGHBORWORKS DAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015, 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PMNeighborWorks Day is a fun day of service. Volunteers are needed to help with traditional work projects, such as painting, cleaning vacant lots and blocks, landscaping and gardening.
Meet & Greet: Red Line’s 95th Street Terminal Improvement Project RFP

The Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) Diversity Programs Department is pleased to announce the following contract opportunity: RFP: C15FI101649246 Request for Proposals (RFP) for 95th Street Terminal Improvement Project, Thursday, June 11, 2015, 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m, St. James AME Church 9256 South Lafayette Avenue.


Happy Memorial Day USA!

Both Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) offices will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday May 25th  and will reopen for business Tuesday, May 26th from 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m..

GADC's Spring Health Fair on the Block a Heartwarming Success

On May 21st, the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC), held it's Spring 2015 Health Fair on the Block on 79th Street. The day started with cool winds, but the sun came out early, causing the block between Racine and May to bustle with lots of activity and excitement!

Sharing of Site Meeting Room, is Really SMART!

The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) is one of the first non-profits on the southside to equip their conference room, with a networked SMARTboard and flat screen television. Even more good news is that the GADC fundamentally believes that Community sharing of organization site conference rooms, is really smart.

21st Ward People You Should Know...

Meet the 21st Ward Administrative Assistant to Alderman Howard Brookins, Angela M. Thomasas she greets local residents with a great smile to the 21st Ward. She is someone you should know! Alderman Howard Brookins, 21st Ward Office Location: 9011 S. Ashland, Chicago, Ill. 60620, Office Phone # 773 881-9300, Fax # 773 881-2152

Mr. Gee’s Supper Club: A South Side “Gem”

Spotlight on Mr. Gee’s Supper Club,  a south side “Gem” and a great venue to host a wedding reception or graduation party. Mr. Gee's is located 1547 W. 87th Street, in the Auburn Gresham Community. Looking for a great place to host your next event? Contact Gene, at 773.445.2020.

HOME NEWS: HARP & HAMP have been EXTENDED through 2016

On Friday, Many 8th, FHFA Director Watt announced that the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) and the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) have been extended through 2016.

Small Business Forum - SAVE THE DATE

SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD SMALL BUSINESS EVENT! The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation and The 6th District Business Sub-committee presents, the annual Small Business Forum. 

AG GOLD Summer Camp Registration Now Open!


Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation CARNIVAL, May 6-10th, 87th & Dan Ryan!

Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation CARNIVALE 87th & Dan Ryan, May 6-10th! Friday night until 10:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 12:00pm-10:30pm. Lots of family fun, games and plenty of parking. Unlimited Ride Special $30, Get your tickets there (ATM).

"Understanding Reassessed Property Tax Liability" Seminar

In 2015, all Chicago properties will be reassessed for property tax purposes.  Given the city’s tax rate continues to rise, making sure a property is valued correctly for tax purposes is crucial. Join us May 12th, 2626 W. 63rd St, Churchview Senior Campus, for a crash course on what this means, the appeals process, the timeline for appeals!

Commerical Cooridor Small Projects, Big Impact

The idea that small projects can have a big impact on commercial corridor revitalization is not new. At the Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC), the idea manifested itself in the Corridors of Retail Excellence Program (CORE).

Youth Program- One Summer Chicago Application Open

One Summer Chicago (OSC) is an initiative that provides youth with employment and enrichment opportunities during the summer months. OSC offers summer employment to youth between the ages of 14 and 24, as well as a range of enrichment activities for children and youth of all ages, including camps, sports, arts, and recreation programs. Most programs are between 20 and 25 hours per week

South Side Dance Teacher Celebrates Be Fit! Tri Wellness Studio One-Year Anniversary

Be Fit! Tri Wellness Studio, 1836 W. 95th St., just celebrated its one-year anniversary this month. E’a Williams, 39, a Beverly resident, said it was always her dream to open her own dance and fitness studio. Read the Be Fit! Tri Wellness Studio story...

Earth Day "Redesigned" Morganway Garden!

On the breezy morning of April 22, 2015, Earth Day "Redesigned" took place! The Morganway Garden in Auburn Gresham recently has not always been the pleasant "green place" it once was.  However, with the presence of community partners and residents a garden is being transformed back into a "safe community place." 

New Business Ribbon Cutting For Plaza Grand Opening In Auburn Gresham Community!

New Business News! Saturday, April 4th, Ribbon Cutting for four new businesses, Papa Johns, Dunkin' Donuts, Wing Zone, and Baskin Robbins in Auburn Gresham community, on 87th Woods!

Maintenance & Beautification Crew Kicking Off Litter Abatement Along New SSA #69!

Maintenance & Beautification crew kicking off litter abatement along the Ashland Business Improvement District (SSA#69) in the 21st Ward on April 4, 2015.  Managed by Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation and supported by Alderman Howard B. Brookins, the two crews Cleanslate (pictured) and the Urban Green Team will work along SSA#69 to establish and maintain an attractive business district. 

Digging Deeper in Auburn Gresham: A first-person perspective

During this spring semester the Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline (CTEP) staff and our community partners have launched a pilot to enhance our urban redesigned courses and the complementary clinical visits.   In Auburn Gresham, Sheenita Robinson of Greater Auburn Gresham Community Development Corporation (GAGDC) and I set out to develop a more engaging and mutually beneficial clinical visit planning process.  Sheenita shares her thoughts with me about why it is important to collaborate with ISU faculty for their upcoming clinical visits.

April Fireside Chat: Rebuild Your Credit

It's time to take back control of your life. Interactive hands-on class that will help facilitate letters to creditors. Featuring Nicole Wheatly Entrepreneur & Professional Development Leader. Space is limited please contact 773-483-3696 for information and to reserve your spot. This method works!

Mayor Emanuel, Congressman Rush And CTA President Claypool Announce Expanded Second Chance Program

The CTA Second Chance Program is an initiative offered in conjunction with the City of Chicago and social service agencies throughout the city. Working closely with the Department of Family and Support Services, hard-to-place individuals are given an opportunity to obtain full-time employment and training which may enable a start of a long-term, meaningful career. CTA Second Chance Program Has Provided Job Training For More Than 500 Ex-Offenders Who Face Barriers To Employment; New Training To Offer Pipeline To Middle-Class Jobs In High-Demand Field Of Diesel Mechanics. FIND A SITE IN YOUR COMMUNITY TO APPLY!

Stay in the KNOW! Know Chicago's Minimum Wage Ordinance.

Stay in the KNOW! Know Chicago's Minimum Wage Ordinance

2015 Studs Terkel Community Media Awards
How can you support great journalism, powerful storytelling and a strong democracy, all while attending a fabulous celebration?  Get your tickets for the Studs Terkel Community Media Awards today and join us March 12th for a great celebration. Questions: Please contact Maggie Walker or call us at 312-369-6400

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To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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