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CEO sends big THANK YOU to the team for its Resiliency during the organization's COVID-19 pivot year

It has been slightly over one year when COVID-19 descended upon Auburn Gresham and GAGDC pivoted and even ramped up efforts to serve the community!

llinois - Chicago - Greater Auburn Gresham Opportunity Zones 2020

The City consulted with aldermen to confirm that the identified tracts within communities with these three qualifying factors were also the tracts that had the most investment potential. #yourvoicematters

Tunn in to CDEL's Light Up the Loop Virtual Event, Impact Award to GAGDC!

Please join us on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 4:30 pm for CDEL's annual Winter Awards Benefit as we congratulate our 2021 Award Winners and celebrate CDEL's remarkable accomplishments during these challenging times.

Black History Month Interview of Carlos Nelson, Outstanding Commitment in Community Service

The Treasurer's has conversations with black leader awardees to amplify and inspire tomorrow's leaders with words of inspiration from today's.

COVID-19 Response Team Shovels for Seniors!

COVID-19 Response Team Shovels for Seniors!

Auburn Gresham Pet Food "Pop Up" Dished Up 1st Compassion in Action Award by Anti-Cruelty Society!

The Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation's new partnership efforts with the Anti-Cruelty Society has led us to be the recipient of their inaugural Compassion in Action Award! 

February GAGDC Staff Spotlight

Sharing the spotlight on GAGDC Staff....take a loolk!

CPS ready options for families to allow students to safely return to school...

After nearly a year away from their classrooms, teachers, and friends, we are happy to announce that CPS students who want to learn in person will be returning to their schools.

Chicago Warming Centers

When temperatures are at 32 degrees or below – warming areas are available at the City’s six community service centers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

When temperatures are at 32 degrees or below – warming areas are available at the City’s six community service centers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

  • The warming areas are available for all residents in need of safe refuge and relief from extreme cold weather.
  • Residents must wear a cloth face covering while in the warming areas due to COVID-19 safety precautions.
  • City-operated libraries and park facilities also may activate warming areas, if needed, including during evening hours, weekends and holidays.
  • For assistance after hours, residents should call 311 to be connected to available services – including placement to an available shelter bed.
  • The Garfield Community Service Center at 10 South Kedzie, is open on a 24-hour basis to connect families and residents to emergency shelter.
  • Unless specifically indicated, warming areas typically are not open when temperatures are higher than 32 degrees, on holidays and evening hours.
    • Hours and days may be extended under extreme conditions and/or from the direction of the City’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications.

Warming Center Flyer Winter English

GAGDC steps up to support the community hit hard by COVID-19

Illinois State News—Proud to be a partner with GAGDC and want to lift up their support of their community throughout the pandemic.  

Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar

How to Direct Public & Private Investment to Black & Latinx Neighborhoods to Scale Held Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar Registration

How to Direct Public & Private Investment to Black & Latinx Neighborhoods to Scale CATALYZING NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT, Tuesday, January 26, 2021

U of I Board of Trustees approves Mile Square lease

The University of Illinois Board of Trustees approved a lease on Thursday for a new Mile Square health clinic in Auburn Gresham, in the Auburn Gresham Healthy Lifestyle HUB.

INVEST South/West Auburn Gresham RFP Sole Pitch: Evergreen Imagine

Auburn Gresham Invest SouthWest pitch by sole developer?

On MLK Day, Cubs and youth baseball players give back
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: A Day of Racial Healing and Service

Hear from Sean Garrett, President and CEO of United Way of Metro Chicago, and Dr. Gail Christopher, Executive Director of the National Collaborative for Health Equity and architect of America’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation initiative.

MLK Day of Racial Healing and Service - Session 2: Virtual Service Project & Conversation with Christa A. Hamilton

The coronavirus pandemic has stressed families in our region, making it difficult for them to meet their basic needs. Food insecurity, stress, and job loss are rising. United Way's community partners have put together a list of supplies they need to support our neighbors during this difficult time.

Service of Young athletes volunteer at Greater Chicago Food Depository on MLK Day

GAGDC feels this need stays great in 2021, for those struggling to have enough food to eat. We have transformed the mission of GAGDC to be of service to the community. 

Register Now for the Upcoming Illinois Office of Minority Economic Empowerment (OMEE) Webinars

he Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity joined the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives (CNI) in opening the $25 million Rebuild Distressed Communities (RDC) grant program.

"teamwork, makes the dream work"

Huge final steps -- Finance Committee, votes Yes, for AG Healthy Lifestyle Building resources.

With the Competition for the Chicago Prize Behind Them, South and West Side Community Organizations Keep Doing the Work

Solutions are not easy, but these projects are at the forefront of the conversation from organizers continuing to do the daily work of building coalitions to shore up power. 

Stimulating Economic Growth in Vital Communities

Organizations in Chicago’s Vital Communities spur development to increase the power of residents as they advance socially beneficial projects.

Yoga at the Virtual Community Center!

Join our Virtual Community Center! Learn at your leisure from the comfort of your home! Upcoming class vitural YOGA!

Artists in Residence in four INVEST South/West neighborhoods - Auburn Gresham Selected Dorian Sylvain!

Mayor Lightfoot announced the artist residence program in four neighborhoods on the south and west sides. artists were selected through a community led process. This will lead to public art and cultural programs for Auburn Gresham, Austin, Englewood and new city back of the yards!

AUBURN GRESHAM SAYS THANK YOU TOO AS-- Mayor Lightfoot Celebrates Accomplishments of Invest South/West on One-Year Anniversary!

AUBURN GRESHAM SAYS THANK YOU and LET'S GET STARTED! AS Mayor’s signature initiative has laid the foundation for equitable, long-term economic development in 10 South and West Side communities and catalyzed nearly $400 million of committed investment. 

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