Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar
Published: January 26, 2021
Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar Registration

Tuesday, January 26, 2021
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Catalyzing Neighborhood Investment: Webinar Registration
The conditions of a neighborhood affect the ability of a household to create wealth. Economic mobility is inextricably tied to proximity to job centers, transportation facilities and commercial enterprise, as well as quality-of-life necessities such as grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, parks and cultural institutions.
This webinar will focus on the need for, and strategies to spark, neighborhood investment that can create the necessary conditions and building blocks to make our communities and region places of opportunity for everyone.
- Maurice Cox, Commissioner, Chicago Department of Planning & Development
- Michael Fassnacht, Interim President & CEO, World Business Chicago
- Robin Hacke, Executive Director, Center for Community Investment
- Carlos Nelson, CEO, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation
Sponsored by World Business Chicago & WBEZ.
Moderated by Helene Gayle of The Chicago Community Trust.