The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporaton (GADC) provides a wide variety of programs for area residents to ensure they can stay in thier homes and have access to reasonable and available access to high quality housing information and assistance services through local partners committed to the greater Auburn Gresham community. See more detailed information on active programs, click on the link below:
City of Chicago Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors
The Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS) program provides safety, security and accessibility improvements that help senior citizens to remain in their homes. Repair types are limited to minor repairs that may include, but are not limited to Grab bars, Lever faucets, Door repairs, Carbon monoxide detectors, Smoke detectors, and Wheelchair ramps.
SARFS is for Chicago seniors who earn no more than 80 percent of the area's medium income and are at least 60 years of age. Qualified recipients may be owners or renters residing in a one- to four-unit building (a renter must have permission from the landlord and the landlord needs to certify that he or she will not increase the rent as a direct result of SARFS improvements).
The GADC is Small Accessible Repairs For Seniors (SARFS) delegate agency and is authorized by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) to provide enabling devices and limited home improvements at no cost for senior citizens throughout Chicago, since 2003. Appointments are necessary. Please call the GADC for a SARFS appointment at 773.483.3696.
MyHOME by Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac's Block by Block initiative, a program designed to revitalize urban neighborhoods that are still struggling to recover from the economic crisis. It is intended to demonstrate that a holistic, collaborative plan involving local government, housing industry partners, nonprofit organizations and the tools and resources of a prominent secondary market solution provider can help facilitate sustainable neighborhood recovery. GADC is a host site not-for-profit intermediary for the My Home by Freddie Mac.

Freddie Mac also brings the CreditSmart® program, a guide to Better Credit, Money Management and Responsible Homeownership. As part of its ongoing commitment, Freddie Mac developed CreditSmart®, a multilingual financial education curriculum and consumer outreach initiative designed to help consumers build and maintain better credit, make sound financial decisions, and understand the steps to sustainable homeownership. CreditSmart increases consumers' financial understanding by teaching life-long money management skills and showing consumers how to avoid foreclosure and keep their home.
Micro-Market Recovery Program (MMRP)
The Micro-Market Recovery Program is a coordinated effort between the City of Chicago, not-for-profit intermediaries such as GADC, Neighborhooh Housing Services of Chicago, and non-profit and for-profit capital sources. The goal of MMRP is to improve conditions, strengthen property values, and create environments supportive of private investment in targeted areas by strategically deploying public and private capital and other tools and resources in well-defined micro-markets. In an effort to re-create sustainable market forces and strengthen values, MMRP operates in target market areas of neighborhoods with widespread foreclosure and a lack of private re-investment activity. These micro-markets include an area in Auburn Gresham and Englewood, where there is strong evidence of the potential for the revival of market interest through community and city-wide intermediary involvement.
Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) - Auburn Gresham/Englewood
NHS is a nonprofit neighborhood revitalization organization committed to helping homeowners and strengthening neighborhoods throughout Chicago, South Suburban Cook County & Elgin. Neighborhood Lending Services (NLS), an NHS-affiliated corporation, is Illinois’ largest nonprofit lender for homeowners and new home buyers. Whether you are interested in free homebuyer education classes, a fixed-rate loan to buy a home, would like to fix up your home, or are trying to save your home from foreclosure, NHS has the expert help you need. NHS Auburn Grehsam / Englewood is a community housing referral partner of GADC.