Cook 8th-Grader Aces CPS Selective-Enrollment Test, Earns Maximum Score
- Reprinted from DNAInfo By Andrea V. Watson | March 10, 2017 12:29pm, Mar 10, 2017
Thirteen-year-old Daysha Straight was the only student at Cook Elementary to get the maximum score on the Chicago Public Schools selective-enrollment test this year which determines where she’ll attend high school in the fall.
10/11 | Field Day at Westcott Elementary, From a Looming Strike To Student Joy
- Ciara Miller, GAGDC Edcuation staffer, Oct 19, 2016
GAGDC staff member of the Edcuation team, shares her experiences during Field Day, at one of our CPS, Auburn Gresham GOLD schools. Read the ebbs of flow of community partner work, all in one day, as work together, to go for the GOLD!
10/11 | Field Day at Westcott Elementary From a Looming Strike To Student Joy
- Ciara Miller, Oct 19, 2016
GAGDC edcuation team staffer tells the day in a life, giving two-generation supports to a partner elementary school. Read the highs and lows of the day, that keeps us going for the GOLD!
30 Hours On The Road to Clark Atlanta University...
- Terrion Brown-Harvey, Mar 23, 2016
One determined student refuses to be a young African American male statistic. Read his story, as he earns his 30 hours of service, needed for graduation and why it means so much to him to really work for every volunteer hour.