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8:30 am–1 pm - Chicago Laborer's Facility, 1900 N. Central Avenue, Chicago, IL
6–8 pm - 7200 South Ingleside Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619
3:45–8 pm - Urban Partnership Bank Community Room, 7801 S State Street, C, IL 60619
3 pm - Urban Partnership Bank (Community Room, 2nd Fl), 7801 S. State Street, Chicago, IL 60619
9 am–12:30 pm - Cloister Club in Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL
10 am–4 pm - 79th Racine, Chicago, IL 60620
10 am–7 pm - Center of Auburn Gresham Community!, Corner of 79th Racine, Chicago, IL 60620
10 am–2 pm - 79th Street Between May and Racine, Chicago, IL 60620
5–9 pm - Naomi and Sylvester Center, 8031 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60620