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Items related to United Way Neighborhood Network


June 2022

16 GAGDC Be Kind to Your Mind Health Fair

11 am–2 pm - BJ’s Market Parking Lot, 1200 West 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620

News items

A firm commitment to the Auburn Gresham community "Corporate investments boost community revitalization"

During the summer of 2020 teaming with United Way, KPMG Chicago shifted their multi-year investment through the United Way Neighborhood Network Initiative exclusively into the Auburn Gresham community.

GAGDC Hosts KPMG for Corporate Volunteer Day

Corporate partners bring huge volunteers to Auburn Gresham'in Saugus!

United Way Impact Grants – Additional information session and office hours

United Way Metro Chicago - Community Impact Grant, increased our capacity for July 6th's session, and have also added a session on July 7th at 1pm.

More in News related to United Way Neighborhood Network »


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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Improve and enhance the delivery of community and economic development in Auburn Gresham, Englewood, and West Chatham.

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