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Items related to Reading


April 2017

20 Westcott Elementary Presents Family LITERACY Day!

9 am - 409 W. 80th Street, Parents Report to Room 102, Chicago, IL 60620

News items

Something to Read Into, Auburn Gresham Unveils It's First Little Free Library!

The first of many Little Free Libraries, was unveiled at Westcott Elementary School, in the Chicago southside inner city community of Auburn Gresham. The project was brought to Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Coporation (GADC), during 2015 national literacy month (September), by the United Way Neighborhood Network, (of which GADC is one of their latest cohorts), on behalf of Northern Trust community affairs.

World Read Aloud Day: March 5, 2014

There are two national days to recognize reading, Read Across America Day (March 3rd) and World Read Aloud Day on March 5th. What's your favorite book? What are you reading now? Who are you reading to? Let's make sure everyone in Auburn Gresham is engaged in reading aloud today and reading everyday!

Read Aloud. Change the World. World Read Aloud Day: March 5, 2014

There are two national days to recognize reading, Read Across America Day (March 3rd) and World Read Aloud Day on March 5th. What's your favorite book? What are you reading now? Who are you reading too?



To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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