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llinois - Chicago - Greater Auburn Gresham Opportunity Zones 2020

The City consulted with aldermen to confirm that the identified tracts within communities with these three qualifying factors were also the tracts that had the most investment potential. #yourvoicematters

Heartland Alliance's Social Impact Center 2017 Poverty Report

On April 18, 2017 the Collaborative hosted a webinar aimed at expanding understanding of the far-reaching impact of ACEs. Take a moment to read this important social impact center report.

Clara Barton Receives Recognition Banner From Network 11 For Great Work Around Attendance

On Wednesday, September 21, 2016, Clara Barton Elementary School Principal Smith, received a very welcomed gift today from the Chicago Public Schools Network 11 office, for its great work around school attendance.


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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