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Business, Housing, Economic Development

New businesses including then LaSalle Bank (now Bank of America), Walgreens and BJ's Bakery have added vitality to the Auburn Gresham business community, which includes a range of service, food and retail enterprises.

Additionally, there is a host of new and affordable housing development for senior citizens to young urban professionals.

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The Southside Neighborhood Gospel Fest
The Southside Neighborhood Gospel Fest, on J uly 19, 2014, from 11am to 7pm, at Ogden Park located 6500 South Racine . Live music, local gospel greats, food trucks, fun & fellowship and much…
African-American Small Business Expo is Saturday at the South Shore Cultural Center
The City of Chicago SmallBusiness Center presents African - American Small Business Expo with keynote speaker, Desiree Rogers , CEO of Johnson Publishing and former White House Social Secretary for…
Premiere of "The PIllars of Auburn Gresham" Movie
Please join Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago and Landmarks Illinois for a premeier showing the film "The Pillars of Auburn Gresham." The event will be held on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, from…
Fireside Chat Series #6: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Spouse, Teen, Partner, Employee)
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE affects teens, families, and businesses every single day. 6.20.2014 - Come learn how to identify the signs and seek help for yourself or someone else.
Small Business Forum A Success!
The Small Business Forum took place on May 13, 2014 at the RedLINE CTC (Community Training Center), Auburn Gresham's Neighborhood Business Development Center. The event was moderated by Carlos…
Apply Nnow! Teen Summer Jobs @GADC_Chicago Deadline Approaching
GADC is a MAPSCorps Intern Worksite, for the 5th year! To apply for one of our dynamic Mapper positions, go to After School Matters Website, search for MAPSCorps @ Greater Auburn-Gresham Development…
Spring Health Fair "On The Block" Auburn Gresham
Join Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC), Auburn Gresham Gold School™ and Elev8 programs as they present the Spring Health Fair on the Block. This bi-annual fair will have…
ComEd Hosts 2nd Annual Multicultural Roundtable Luncheon
ComEd hosted its 2 nd Annual Multicultural Media Roundtable Luncheon on April 7, and the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation online presence was at the table!
Windy City Habitat for Humanity’s Neighborhood Engagement Event t The West Pullman Library!
On Wednesday, April 2 nd , from 6pm to 7:30pm , you are invited to attend Windy City Habitat for Humanity’s Neighborhood Engagement Event at The West Pullman Library!
Chicago Vintage Home Series - "THIS OLD DREAM HOUSE"
Chicago neighborhoods are defintred by thier bungalows, greystones, workers cottages ad other vintage homes. Many potential and existing homeowners have questions about how to assess the condidtions,…
ComEd offers Flexible Payment Options and Finanicial Assistance to customers in need. Felixabele payment option are available through April 1, 2014. To learn more call 888-806-CARE (2273), option 2…
CALL FOR RFP's: 79th Street Renaissance Festival
SSA#32 is releasing a Call for RFP's for Event Planners for the Annual 79th Street Renaissance Festival.
CATALYST CHICAGO'S Parent Resource Center
Looking for a school, a preschool program, child care, an after-school program or a phone number at Chicago Public Schools? Find them at Catalyst Chicago's Parent Resource Center.
Auburn Gresham Opens Door To Free Tax Site 2014
The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) and the St. Sabina Employment Resource Center (ERC), continues the strong partnership with the Center for Econmic Development (CEP) and will…
Happy Holidays from GADC
2013 was a great year for us. We provided programs and services for hundreds of families, small businesses, and students. We couldn't have done it without your partnership and commitment. Wishing all…
Baby, It's Cold Outside. You Warm?
The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) currently has three seniors from the Easter Seals Community Service Employment Program program placed in meaningful jobs, at our 7901 S.…
Thankful for Green in the Community
The story of a community is not always written in black and while, we often think green. The Urban "Green" Team (UGT) that is!
Historic Veterans Housing Groundbreaking
In spite of the rain, with Auburn Gresham community stakeholders looking on, the groundbreaking, for the new Veterans housing was in full salute, at the altar of New Pisgah Church.
New Employees Stamp of Approval on Email Training
Easter Seal seniors, working at the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation, spent some time away from the office in on-site training, getting Google with it!
Historic Residence Groundbreaking in Auburn Gresham on Veteran's Day
All Veterans are welcome to join New Pisgah Community Service Organization, on this iconic groundbreaking, for the Veterans New Beginnings Residence on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11th, 10:30am,…
Affordable Care Act Navigators Appointments Available!
Time is Running Out! Have questions on what the affordable care act means to you, your family, contact the Greater Auburn Grestion Development Corporation. For a Navigator (community outreach…
Countdown to the Official RedLine Reopening 10/21!
Historic Event: Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation is counting down with the Redline Project
Columbus Day closings: Most Banks, post offices, schools, GADC and more
The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation is Closed.
Count Down to 8th Annual 79th Street Renaissance Festival and Family Jam for Peace
Where? Corner of 79th and Racine to 79th Loomis, on September 7th, of course. The Annual 79th Street Renaissance Festival and Family Jam for Peace goes from 10:00am - 7:00pm, see you there!
Walmart Foundation supports neighborhood-based centers in Chicago
Walmart Corporation representaives contribute $100,000 to LISC Chicago

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To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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Improve and enhance the delivery of community and economic development in Auburn Gresham, Englewood, and West Chatham.

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