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JUNE 8th, INVEST South/West Initiative Starts Series of Community Engagement Meetings!

Auburn Gresham, Your Voice Matters!

Register to attend the Zoom Open House

As a part of the Department of Planning and Developments (DPD) continued dialogue with community stakeholders around the INVEST South/West Initiative, we invite you to our series of community engagements starting on June 8, 2021.  These meetings are being held to foster a conversation about development along the 79th Street ISW Corridor and to record feedback and input from the community in a meaningful way that will shape how we plan for the future revitalization of Auburn Gresham.  

These 3 planned Workshops are intended to be open meetings consisting of representatives from City agencies, Aldermanic offices, and neighborhood organizations aimed at advancing local goals through a broad, cross-disciplinary approach that leverages the insights, wisdom, creativity, resources of local stakeholders and community residents and business owners.  

Furthermore, because these meetings will be both in-person and online, and as such we will follow any/all social distancing guidelines for all in-person locations listed on the attached flyer.

Please circulate this flyer and email to any/all interested parties in the Auburn Gresham community.

Thank you,
Auburn Gresham InvestSouth/West Team

Register to attend the Zoom Open House

Keywords: Auburn Gresham, City of Chicago, Community, community engagement, Invest SouthWest

Posted in Auburn Gresham in the News, Business, Housing, Economic Development, Community Highlights


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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