Going for Gold
Reprinted MMRP Insider - March Edition, by Thomas Moes
Published: March 2, 2016
On a sun-filled and chilly day, around 25 community stakeholders attended the "Your Voice Matters" Housing Task Force meeting on February 4th to discuss strategies for the 2016 Quality-of-Life Plan in Auburn Gresham. The main organization leading the large charge for the plan development is NHS Auburn Gresham, along with the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation (GAGDC) playing an instrumental role in co-writing, co-facilitating, and increasing community awareness.
"The Housing Task Force is an incredible group of diverse, informed, and enthusiastic individuals," says Janece Simmons, NHS Neighborhood Director for Auburn Gresham. "It is comprised of 40 people, including homeowners, renters, community and faith based organizations, police, investors, developers, the banking and insurance industries, entrepreneurs, veterans, youth, seniors, new residents, long-term residents, and interested parties such as journalism students and stabilization professionals."

For the participants, these monthly meetings aren't just about showing up so they can be told what to do. They show up with their sleeves rolled up and ready to go to work right away. Carlos Nelson, Executive Director at GAGDC, summed up the meeting this way, for some communities, strategies are just words on paper. "For us, we are an ambitious community going for gold." On the evening of Thursday, March 10, the Auburn Gresham Quality-of-Life Plan Draft Vision, Goals, and Strategies will be presented to an expected audience of over 300 residents at a mid-point community meeting being held at Leo Catholic High School at 7901 S. Sangamon Ave.
Thomas Moes, MMRP Outreach Coordinator | 773-329-4124 | tmoes@nhschicago.org
About MMRP
The Micro Market Recovery Program (MMRP) stabilizes the private housing market in distressed communities by reducing the cost of home ownership, creating communities of choice, and attracting new owners to vacant buildings on targeted neighborhood blocks throughout the City of Chicago. MMRP is financially supported by grants from the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, Office of the Attorney General, and the MacArthur Foundation. LISC Chicago serves as the fiscal and administrative agent.
community engagement, Housing, Neighborhood Housing Services, task force, Your Voice Matters
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