In Spite of Weather, Parents Turn Out For Oglesby Elementary School Principal Candidate Forum
Carlos A. Nelson
Published: February 24, 2016

On an evening with a weather forecast of up to 12 inches of snow, the Oglesby Principal Candidate Forum was in full effect. Coordinated by CPS Network 11 Chief, Megan Hougard and her team, the candidate forum resulted in a trio of solid principal candidates, eager to share information about themselves and their plans to lead Oglesby Elementard. Richard J. Oglesby Elementary School is one of five schools, participating in a community driven education initiative called Auburn Gresham GOLD (AG GOLD).
More than seventy people were in attendance made up of Oglesby parents, Oglesby teachers, Oglesby staff, Oglesby students, Oglesby LSC and community members! All of the candidates were very well prepared and based on their presentations seemed like good fits for the Oglesby community and its unique dual programs of traditional and Montessori under one roof. Seventy plus opinion polls were collected by CPS from the participants ranking the candidates. Joining the candidate forum and sharing some inspiring words was 17th Ward Alderman David Moore who noted how great it was that those attending the forum represented the diverse aspects of the Oglesby community (parents, teachers, administrators, LSC, students and community members).
In spite of blizzard conditions outside and the consideration by CPS to postpone the Candidate Forum due to weather, the Forum left the Oglesby Family very hopeful and excited that whichever of the three candidates is selected by CPS CEO Judy Jackson the Oglesby leadership future looks promising. Both the GADC's Executive Director and Director of Education (T. Jones) spoke highly of the forum and the candidates vying for the position of Administrator in Charge at Richard J. Oglesby Elementary.

auburn gresham gold, Chicago Public Schools, gadc, network 11, oglesby, principal
Posted in Education, Auburn Gresham in the News, Community Highlights