Cinderella Story Prom Night at Building Blocks Learning Academy
Ernest Sanders
Published: June 21, 2008
Several Building Blocks Learning Academy Preschoolers are surprised as they view the Cinderella decorated banquet room.
Ernest Sanders
The west wing of Building Blocks Learning Academy (BBLA) was star-gazed and filled with magical moments and music as 18 preschoolers conducted themselves with dignity; respected each other; ran, jumped, played, sang, danced and tossed balloons; and sat at the banquet table with their parent-approved prom dates while first saying their grace and then eating a delectable meal.
A display of Cinderella's castle and carriage.
Ernest Sanders
Much food was on hand for this 2nd annual event. Menu items included: hot dogs, deli meat trays, Garrett’s Popcorn, potato chips, hamburgers, chicken fingers, french fries, fruit trays, bottle water, and Hawaiian Punch Juice.
The ambiance of the room was more than just a place for these preschoolers to play and eat; it doubled as the setting for Cinderella’s castle and her carriage.
When asked about the idea of children celebrating such an event at an early age, BBLA’s proprietor and executive director, Michelle Redd says, “It’s a way for us to celebrate the positive accomplishments of our kids and continue to encourage them to dream big, have formal values in a formal setting, and provide them a positive first impression of formal education. This holds true to our mission statement.”
BBLA Preschoolers sing together.
Ernest Sanders
Parents seemingly agreed. Miss Latasha Petty believed this evening was important for her child Shayaun. “It teaches him the importance of dressing appropriately, behaving cordially, and learning that there is life outside of Chuckie Cheese.”
Miss Joanne Bell responded, “It is good to see the children having a good time in a safe haven as Building Blocks Learning Academy. We are here to support Miss Redd and her vision of building our future, one child at a time. It’s desperately needed in the world today. Heck, I think I am more excited this evening than my daughter Cheyanne.”
It should be noted that BBLA took on all costs of this prom night without any additional fees to the parents. Miss Redd believes it is important for her clientele to see that she is as much a part of her student’s livelihood as their parents. BBLA also accommodated the parents that evening by hosting a “movie night” in the east wing of the Academy.
BBLA Parent approved prom dates
Ernest Sanders
Finally, Miss Redd said that this evening could not be possible without the enormous assistance of her staff and volunteers. Each gave of their time and talents to ensure the best possible educational experience for her clientele. “Thank You!”
For more information about Building Blocks Learning Academy, please call (773) 488-2ABC or just visit their webpage at
Click here for a brochure of their services.
Posted in Community Highlights