Papa Buckner and the Dream Team Serves The Blues
Linda Johnson
Published: March 4, 2014
Before the homemade biscuits, scrambled eggs, hash browns, grits, sausage and bacon arrived; before the very accommodating volunteers finished setting up, before the vendors entered with all their give-a-ways, even before the band, strummed the first note; the seniors anxiously filed into the Thurgood Marshall Library in full anticipation of having of good time; and a good time they had!!!
Photo: Norma Sanders
With the very first song, seniors began clapping to the rhythm of "down home blues", presented by Papa Buckner and the Dream Team, bringing back tender memories of earlier times.
The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) has coordinated the Breakfast and Blues for Seniors event twice a year since 2004, as a way to honor and serve our seniors. Some of them traveled all the way from the northwest suburbs to attend this event with promises to come back in the fall.
ABC Bank, the University of Chicago's Comprehensive Care Program, Historic Chicago Bungalow Association, the Chicago Commons, and the Affordable Care Act team were amongst the vendors presenting seniors with plenty of resources and give-aways.
GADC's event provides entertainment and an overall fun-filled, informative morning for our greatest assets.....our Senior Citizens.
Band gets seniors fired up from the 1st song at GADC's 2014 Breakfast & Blues for Seniors
Volunteer youth from Gary Comer Elementary school greet seniors as they enter the library.
The morning was fulll of dancing lead by GADC's very own SSA leader.
GADC serves seniors breakfast twice a year at this fun-filled event.
GADC staff and youth voluneer present lucky raffle winner wtih a certificate of goods.
Photos: Norma Sanders
University of Chicago doctor from CCP research project explains how you can keep your UoC doctor whether routine visits or hospital stay.
Posted in Community Highlights