Mayor Daley Visits BJ's Market & Bakery and GADC's Free Tax Clinic
Ernest Sanders
Published: March 13, 2007
Mayor Daley poses with BJ's Owner John Meyers and Alderman Latasha Thomas (D-17)
Ernest Sanders
As he entered the restaurant to have peach cobbler dessert, many residents, business owners and employees greeted Mayor Richard M. Daley with smiles, cheers, applauses, and even hugs. He seemed especially pleased that his visit did not warrant any harsh criticisms or uneventful tradegies, as he thanked everyone for supporting him and his family over the many years.
After the peach cobbler gathering, the Mayor dropped in at the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation’s (GADC) Free Tax Clinic at the Auburn Gresham Resource Center. The Mayor was briefed on GADC’s long term partnership with the Center for Economic Progress (CEP) and the Auburn Gresham Resource Center and their efforts promote economic development in the community.
Mayor Daley meets Pamela Wafford (Auburn Gresham CEP Site Manager)
Ernest Sanders
He was particularly interested in the effort to process many tax returns primarily through Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
CEP site manager, Pamela Wafford, informed the Mayor that, “CEP strives to promote and improve economic opportunities for underserved families. Most of our clients are eligible for the EITC and we are glad to be an advocate to protect their rights and increase their financial worth.”
The Mayor asked questions about the logistics of the GADC’s tax clinic and was escorted over to the intake area (also the office of CleanSlate-Auburn Gresham), in which he greeted about 20 clients awaiting to be seen by a volunteer tax preparer.
Mayor Daley autographs a poster for a Auburn Gresham youth
Ernest Sanders
Wafford informed the Mayor,
“We generally see about between 100 – 120 clients a week.” Likewise, Carlos Nelson, Executive Director of GADC, responded “This clinic saw more than 1,000 Chicago area residents in 2006 and we hopefully will serve more this year and the years to come through our long-term partnerships.”
As part of it efforts to promote this hugh fiscal initiative, CEP and its volunteers recently celebrated returning a record-setting $200 million in tax refunds to hard-working families at more than thirty tax sites across Illinois in February.
According to CEP’s Executive Director, Dave Marzahl, “Without our volunteer’s valuable contribution of time, energy, and skills, the Center would not be able to fulfill its commitment to provide economic opportunities to the more than 30,000 families and individuals we’ll serve this year.”
Mayor Daley chats with Fr Michael Pfleger as he eats his peach cobbler dessert
Ernest Sanders
With the help of so many volunteers, GADC, CEP, and the Auburn Gresham Resource Center have really empowered Chicago area residents to become financially sound in Auburn Gresham and other communities abroad.
“We really want our clients to have an uplifting tax experience and provide the best economic development opportunities for our residents here in the Auburn Gresham community,” said Nelson.
Posted in Business, Housing, Economic Development