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Englewood Grandmother Gets New Windows Just in Time for Winter

Ava Williamson

The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC),

GRANDFamilies: Generations Creating a Legacy



the City of Chicago Departments of Aging and Housing, and Team Construction, collaborated to save, Alma Donald-a senior and Englewood resident, energy, time and money by installing new windows in her home.

Raising her two granddaughters, Ms. Donald was serious about preparing her home for the Chicago’s winter “Hawk” and signed up for programs funded through the Department of Housing’s Home Repairs for Accessible and Independent Living (HRAIL) and the Department on Aging’s Grandparent Raising Grandchildren.

In previous winters, Ms. Donald’s windows were drafty and could barely keep the wind out.

This winter will tell a different story.

The Donald family recently received 11 new windows for their bungalow, increasing energy efficiency and reducing the amount of money she will need to spend on rising gas costs.

Ava Williamson

“The new windows make a great difference. Before the wind was whipping through the house,” said Ms. Donald.

“Now we’re very comfortable and I expect to save on our gas bill through the winter.

I feel blessed and I am so thankful for our new windows.”

In addition to providing home repair grants, the GADC is also assisting  the GRANDFamilies Program with a grant to help launch their Housing Resource Initiative.


is the only nonprofit organization in City of Chicago aimed at providing grandparents support and resources in Illinois, solely dedicated to meeting the needs of grandparents raising grandchildren. They

work to offer one stop access for services supporting these families. Since its inception in 2003, GRANDFamilies has served over 900 families in the Chicago area.


GADC has been providing free minor home repairs through the Department of Housing’s HRAIL program for the past 4 years and continues to assist seniors to live comfortably in their homes within the Greater Auburn Gresham community.

Granville Love is the proprietor of Team Construction and works locally within Auburn Gresham and the metropolitan areas of the City of Chicago to perform home repairs.

If you are a senior who lives in the 15th, 17th, 18th, and 21st Wards, and interested in the HRAIL program, please contact the GADC offices at (773) 483-3696.

Posted in Business, Housing, Economic Development


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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