2008 Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards Features Auburn Gresham
Ernest Sanders
Published: February 19, 2008
Carlos Nelson poses for a photo opportunity with Valerie Jarrett of The Habitat Company and Andrew Mooney of LISC/Chicago after he receives the first annual Norman Bobins Award from LaSalle Bank.
Ernest Sanders
With remarks from Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago, Andrew Mooney, senior program director for LISC/Chicago, and Valerie Jarrett, president and CEO of The Habitat Company, the 14th Annual Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards (CNDA) ceremony paid tribute to nine projects and one special individual. This ceremony was especially rewarding for the Auburn Gresham community as the St. Leo Campus for Veterans and Carlos Nelson, executive director for the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) were honored.
Mayor Richard M. Daley delivery the keynote speech at the 14th Annual CNDA ceremony.
Ernest Sanders
Nelson received the Norman Bobins Leadership Award. You might first ask yourself who is Norman Bobins? If you are familiar with Chicago banking leaders, some may refer to Bobins as the one of the best emerging leaders in Chicago’s banking history. Other may refer to him as a community activist-extraordinaire.
Now retired, Bobins spent the past 17 years as CEO of LaSalle National Bank and currently serves as a board member for the following organizations: Chicago Public School’s Board of Education, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Field Museum, and WTTW. He also serves as the Chairman Emeritus for the Illinois Business Roundtable.
Well whether it is the banking industry or civic engagement, Bobins is highly esteemed and continues to be recognized as one of Chicago’s preeminent leaders. Some of his more reputable leadership characteristics can be found in his ability to broaden client bases, oversee acquisitions, enhance shareholder value, and cultivate strong relationships with industry partners.
Ceasar Hill (Center) received a Special Recognition Award for St. Leo's Veterans Campus in Auburn Gresham.
Ernest Sanders
It was important for me to report on Bobins success thus far as you will now understand why Nelson was the first to receive the prestigious award.
As executive director, Nelson has been able to transform a one man organization into a seven person (full-time) and three person (part-time) operation serving more than 100,000 constituents in the Auburn Gresham, Englewood, and West Chatham communities.
A mechanical engineer with a Masters in Business Administration, Nelson has a proven history of housing development and community activism. Living most of his life near 79th Street here in Auburn Gresham, Nelson has an unmistakable passion for building his community. His strengths include the ability to abstractly conceptualize projects, and persuade other stakeholders to opt into the vision.
The Winneconna Parkway Project, Model Blocks Program, acquisition of a vacant building on 79th Street, enhanced retail development and revitalization for 69th & 79th Streets to
Jim Capraro, executive director for Greater Southwest Development Corp, commends Carlos Nelson on his award.
Ernest Sanders
include the 79th Street Renaissance Festival and Special Service Area #32, the Center for Working Families, the Litter Free Zone, Integrated Services in Schools (ISS) project, and a host of other community outreach activities are just a few of Nelson’s current or ongoing accomplishments.
These accomplishments could not be possible without Nelson’s ability to leverage partnerships with other community stakeholders. “Without the community, my work would be in vain. This award is a reflection of the conscientiousness of the community and our ability to work together,” said Nelson.
It should also be noted that this award came with $20,000 compelling reasons why leadership is a must for Nelson and his team at the GADC.
GADC Staff and Quest Development LLC smile with the classic Groucho Marx glasses - the insignia of the CNDA ceremony.
Kathy Welch
Posted in Business, Housing, Economic Development