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Voice Your Support for the Green Era Campus!

Community Engagement, Business and Economic Development, Health and Wellness, Safery and Security, Education—Auburn Gresham Quality of Life Plan "Your Voice Matters" Strategies all positively impacted by the activation of the new Green Era Campus — many community benefits are aligned to our strategic neighborhood plan and can be exhibited by using our voice to support neighborhood priorities!

"Urban Growers Collective, Green ERA Chicago, Green Era Sustainability, Green Era Educational NFP, Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corp, and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) are holding a public hearing on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Auburn Gresham Healthy Lifestyle Hub located at 839 West 79th Street in Chicago.

The purpose of the meeting is to receive public comments regarding the Green Era Campus draft permits and permit applications. The Illinois EPA will present opening statements concerning the draft permits and hearing procedures before accepting comments from the public.

Thank you Chicago Cares for reminding us it is not just about volunteering and it's about lifting up our neighborhood quality of life plan called "Your Voice Matters!"

"Urban Growers Collective, Green ERA Chicago, Green Era Sustainability, Green Era Educational NFP, Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corp, and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) are holding a public hearing on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Auburn Gresham Healthy Lifestyle Hub located at 839 West 79th Street in Chicago.

The purpose of the meeting is to receive public comments regarding the Green Era Campus draft permits and permit applications. The Illinois EPA will present opening statements concerning the draft permits and hearing procedures before accepting comments from the public.

If you volunteered at the Auburn Gresham mosaic, this would be a great opportunity to voice your support for the Green Era Campus.

If you have any questions please email


Keywords: Auburn Gresham, Chicago Prize, Climate Control, Green Era, GreenTech, Innovation, Invest Southwest, Urban Growers Collective

Posted in Community Events, Business Events


To foster and promote revitalization of the community by designing and implementing programs that improve the community’s economic viability; increase availability of quality housing to people of different income levels, while maintaining and improving existing affordable housing; and enhance delivery of social services, particularly to senior citizens.

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