Vax And Jack Event - Get Vaccinated and Jack the House with Farley "Jackmaster" Funk - FREE FOOD and $50 VAX Incentive
We are partnered with the Chicago Department of Public Health to present house, stepping, RnB, spoken word and drill music community vaccination event by linking available vaccine our south region community organizations, right here in on the south side of Chicago. Learn more below to see and share the info or our nexr vaccination event.
Come enjoy the music and fun while you get your vaccine. All are welcome to the event so please share with everyone. Bring someone who needs to be vaccinated or boosted. See times below for the different age groups and stay for the family time from 4-6pm and kickback and enjoy the event with community partners and neighborbors!

Vax N Jack with Farley "Jackmaster" Funk

Free Food from Mikkeys Retro Grill and Afro Joes!

$50 Incentive when you get Vax'ed
Booster, CDPH, Farley, Health Equity, Healthy Chicago, House music, Vaccination
Posted in Community Events