79th Street Renaissance Festival Volunteer Training!
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79th Street Festival Volunteers:
We are extremely elated that you will be working as a volunteer at the 79th Street Renaissance Festival. We are embarking upon our final training session which will be held on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The class will be conducted at Urban Partnership Bank (7801 S. State) in our satellite office on the 2nd floor.
Please send an email confirmation to nwheatly@gagdc.org and confirm that you will be attending. We will be providing a light snack and beverages. Again, we greatly appreciate your heart to service the community and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 773-483-3696.
Nicole Wheatly
Project Coordinator
79th Street Renaissance Festival Volunteer Training!
Urban Partnership Bank Community Room, 7801 S State Street
Chicago, IL
Renaissance Festival, RenFest 2015, Training, Volunteers
Posted in Community Events, Business Events, Annual 79th Street Renaissance Festival