GAGDC Hosts KPMG for Corporate Volunteer Day
- Khaleelah Muhammad, Aug 2, 2023
Corporate partners bring huge volunteers to Auburn Gresham'in Saugus!
Service of Young athletes volunteer at Greater Chicago Food Depository on MLK Day
- Reposted from Channel 7 Eyewitness News, Chicago Proud segment, Jan 18, 2021
GAGDC feels this need stays great in 2021, for those struggling to have enough food to eat. We have transformed the mission of GAGDC to be of service to the community.
Perfomics Volunteers Spend Global Performance Day in Auburn Gresham GOLD Schools #ChicagoCares!
- Oct 23, 2017
Perfomics and Chicago Cares Volunteers Spend Global Performance Day in Auburn Gresham GOLD Schools
Partners Posts: Depressed Adults Needed for a Research Study
- Sep 10, 2015
Dr. Heide Klumpp (PhD) at the University of Illinois at Chicago is conducting a research study on depression. This study is testing to see what behavior and brain function can tell us about treatment success in depression using cognitive behavioral therapy, a standard psychotherapy treatment for mood disorders. You will be compensated for your time ($15 per hour) and your parking will be paid. If you would like to learn more about the study please contact 888-686-5591 or email emotion@psych.uic.edu.