Sidewalk Snow Removal
Published: February 2, 2011
Dear Community Partners,
The Chicago Department of Transportation is pleased to announce that the Sidewalk Snow Clearance campaign is underway, designed to promote residential and business participation in clearing public sidewalks of snow and ice. Many people rely on walking and transit as their primary way to get around, and without a wide, clear path through snow and ice, it is especially difficult for people with disabilities, seniors and children to walk safely.
There are two components to this campaign. The first is a door hanger reminding property owners and occupants of their responsibility to clear the sidewalk of snow and ice. These may be left at residential and business properties that exhibit a pattern of not clearing their sidewalks. We have also created a "Thank You for Shoveling" flyer for distribution to neighbors who do an exceptional job with clearing snow and ice. Door hangers and flyers can be downloaded from the CDOT Snow Removal webpage here:
The second component of this campaign recognizes businesses and organizations that do an exceptional job of clearing snow and ice from the sidewalk. Businesses and organizations can display the poster indicating their participation in this effort. At the end of winter, the Mayor's Pedestrian Advisory Council and CDOT will present nominated businesses with an award and will issue a press release announcing award recipients. Download the Sidewalk Snow Removal Campaign poster here:
Please assist us in promoting sidewalk snow clearance by distributing the posters to your local businesses and property managers. These measures encourage pedestrian safety and being a good neighbor.
A packet containing door hangers and sidewalk snow removal campaign window posters has been mailed to your offices. Please contact Jerad Weiner at 312-742-7621 if you have any questions regarding this effort.
Thank you for your participation and have a safe winter.
Jerad Weiner
Pedestrian Program Assistant
Chicago Department of Transportation
30 N. LaSalle Street
Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60602