
JUNE 8th, INVEST South/West Initiative Starts Series of Community Engagement Meetings!

Auburn Gresham, Your Voice Matters!

Register to attend the Zoom Open House

As a part of the Department of Planning and Developments (DPD) continued dialogue with community stakeholders around the INVEST South/West Initiative, we invite you to our series of community engagements starting on June 8, 2021.  These meetings are being held to foster a conversation about development along the 79th Street ISW Corridor and to record feedback and input from the community in a meaningful way that will shape how we plan for the future revitalization of Auburn Gresham.  

These 3 planned Workshops are intended to be open meetings consisting of representatives from City agencies, Aldermanic offices, and neighborhood organizations aimed at advancing local goals through a broad, cross-disciplinary approach that leverages the insights, wisdom, creativity, resources of local stakeholders and community residents and business owners.  

Furthermore, because these meetings will be both in-person and online, and as such we will follow any/all social distancing guidelines for all in-person locations listed on the attached flyer.

Please circulate this flyer and email to any/all interested parties in the Auburn Gresham community.

Thank you,
Auburn Gresham InvestSouth/West Team

Register to attend the Zoom Open House
