
Together Now: Chicago’s Fund to Rebuild Our Neighborhoods

In collaboration with the City of Chicago, The Chicago Community Trust and One Chicago Fund have launched the Together Now fund to raise funds from certain Chicago’s philanthropies, corporations, and individuals and from other federal and City funds, all of which will be granted to entities that will in turn make grants to small businesses across the City.

Our city’s small businesses are reeling from the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.

Most sustaining for more than ten weeks without any revenue, these businesses continue to experience losses as consumer confidence only slowly begins to be regained and capacity constraints are imposed for health and safety purposes. Furthermore, many of our neighborhood small business also experienced damage and destruction from the events on the weekend of May 29 and beyond, following the killing of George Floyd. These events exacerbated the effects of coronavirus for the small businesses in our communities.

To fully recover from the effects of coronavirus,

small businesses must also mitigate the losses incurred during the weekend of May 29 and beyond. While the impacts of the coronavirus crisis and devastation have been felt widely, the economic burden is not shared equally and as such, the fund will take an equitable approach to understanding the needs of our communities and provide tailored support.

As we begin to reopen as a city, let’s come together

to support our neighborhood small businesses. The allocation of these funds will receive an equity lens that considers the disproportionate burden endured during the coronavirus outbreak by local business owners, Black and Latinx business owners, those who are uninsured or underinsured, and those living in communities with a history of disinvestment.

Please join us in supporting our neighbors across the City of Chicago.

