Illinois has a unique opportunity to be the first state with a weighted arts indicator for elementary and high schools. The video above breaks our recommendations down in a fun and informative way! You can also take a deeper dive into the work group's recommendations here. The public comment period on our recommendations ends February 6. Make your voice heard, and let the Illinois State Board of Education know that every student, in every school, in every grade deserves quality arts education. Keep the momentum going and spread the word to your networks! Here are a few sample tweets to help you get started:
- Support arts education! Join me in urging the Illinois State Board of Education to adopt the Illinois Arts Indicator Work Group’s recommendation. Public comment period ends Feb 6! #GrowArtsEdIL
- Illinois has the opportunity to be the 1st state with a weighted arts indicator for elementary & high schools. Let’s take advantage of this moment to advance quality arts learning for all Illinois students. Take action at #GrowArtsEdIL