
City Promotes Pop-up Passive Park and Local Jobs in Auburn Gresham To Sale Commerica

For those not familiar with the project, it basically is the city of Chicago's plans to develop a "temporary", commemorative walking park at 7901 South Halsted where the old Walgreens once sat.  It would exist only until the site is developed and sold through the city of Chicago's Negotiated Sale Program.

Negotiated Sale is a process that facilitates the sale of City-owned properties.  The City of Chicago makes real estate available for purchase and redevelopment, and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is one of the City departments authorized to accept purchase applications.

The site is adjacent to the Auburn Park Day Care which, since the Walgreens building came down, now has an exposed brick wall which will have a mural painted on it.  We have an opportunity to influence the mural and the overall project.  Looking at commencing work early summer.

The collaboration of the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation, city of Chicago, and GreenCorps are committed to an aggressive schedule, as planning for site continues. Please contact the GADC for more information, at 773.483.3696, or for a referral to the city of Chicago.
