Auburn Gresham Tax Site Makes The Number$!
Norma Sanders
Published: April 16, 2014
The Chicago Center for Economic Progress (CEP) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, Auburn Gresham Tax site was held at the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation (GADC), for the 9th year. GADC's Business Resource Center, was once again transformed into a client in-take area and managed by certified tax site assistant, Cheryl Brown. The computer lab at St. Sabina Employment Resource Center served as a familiar home base for the volunteer tax preparers to complete client returns.
In addition, to assisting thousands of low income families complete tax returns, throughout the tax season, we used the GADC in-take area to take advantage of a captive outreach audience. Every year, this is a key tool used to engage and communicate to the residents of Auburn Gresham and many other communities across the city, while they are waiting.
A few very time sensitive and important presentations, exposure to businesses, community feedback sessions and outreach efforts for program sign-ups included, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) outreach teams presented facts on GetCovered Illinois and the federal "Health Market Place", completed information cards and signed up residents for health insurance coverage on the spot, before the March 31st deadline.
The Auburn Gresham Center for Working Families financial counselor, Janice Murdock, presented several times to a captive audience, scheduling follow-up financial counseling appointments for families, distributing key information on upcoming seminars to clients and educating them on other services available to them at the St. Sabina Employment Resource Center, headed by executive director Lisa Ramsey.
As in previous years, CVS Caremark Minute Clinic, nurse practioner, Diane Smith shared well received healthy living options and handed out practical give-aways that clients could take with them. Of course there were also several presentations and activities to open checking and/or savings accounts by local banks. We even had a local certified counselor, from a local NPO have a captive audience to discuss the impact of community violence on our youth, which resulted in a great upbeat Q & A for the short time she presented.
For many weeks you couldn't help think about the GADC's summer Renaissance Festival, as the aroma of freshly popped popcorn, filled the air. This was a small refreshment that was made available for the first time this year during tax season.
All in all, with the exception of a few minor hiccups, the management of the site was smooth sailing. Like many other systems used to service the public, our network had its issues from time-to-time. In spite of the minor issues, we were always able to get the Tax Site up and running and never turned clients away due to computer system or networking environment problems.
According to tax site manager, Pam Wafford, who has been a volunteer since 2005, "...returns prepared at the Auburn Gresham Tax Site have helped thousands of hardworking families, and saved estimated millions of dollars in preparation and loans fees over the years of our proud partnership. This year alone estimated refunds to residents exceeds $1.5 million doillar. " Click on this link or see below the Auburn Gresham Tax Site outcome data Pam provided the partners, prior to opening the site the afternoon of April 15th.

Ms. Brown, tax site assistant, who logged even more hours than last year, noted with a smile, "it’s really good to see so many of our clients returning because we did a good job; they remembered me and I remember them too!” These stories even if in a small way add to the measure of the continued success of the Auburn Gresham Tax Site. Overall, from the time the doors opened on January 22nd until they closed on April, 15th, 2014, we once again shared the strength of our volunteers and partnerships that exist in this community. Carlos Nelson, executive director of GADC and his staff thank you for letting us be of service to you yet another year.