
Make Way for Play Website

“Make Way for Play” is a guide to improve pedestrian, bicycle and transit access to Chicago’s parks and maximize the use of the public way to promote active living. We are exploring tactics that range from traffic calming to creatively using the public way to allow for play. The end product will be a guidebook that public agencies, stakeholders and community groups can use to facilitate active living and improve the health of Chicagoans.

Please share your feedback on how to make Chicago a healthier, more active place to live, work and play.  You can provide input through the project website in one of two ways:  1) a simple 5 minute survey, or 2) an interactive mapping tool. Planning mapper is a fun, easy-to-use tool that allows users to create a map of their neighborhood, their favorite park, or all of Chicago, highlighting the issues that they feel affects safe and easy access to Chicago’s parks. 

Please visit to access the survey and mapping tool.

